Winnipeg Commercial Video
Winnipeg Commercial Videographer
JAG Videos and Photography specializes in Winnipeg commercial videography services. This includes corporate videos, brand videos, training videos, internal videos, testimonial videos, TV commercials, social media videos/content and more. JAG Videos also provides closed captions and subtitles for all video projects (inquire for details).
In need of voice-overs for your videos? JAG Videos and Photography can help put that together for you.
For pricing and all other information please send a detailed email about your project.
Instagram reels and social media content packages available!
Contact me for more information.
How can a video help grow my business?
We all know how important it is to have a website as a home base for our business. But how do we get potential clients to find the website? And once they arrive, how do we keep them there? A good website isn’t always about fancy texts, pop-ups, or flash. You don’t want your visitors to feel bombarded when they land on your page. A one or two minute video that summarizes who the company is, explains your product or service, and what to do or where to go next on the site will definitely hook potential clients.
And a good hook is just the beginning.
Here are my top 3 reasons why having video content on your website will help you get more clients.
1. Improved user engagement
Short, informative videos keep people engaged with your content significantly longer than text and pictures. It can get your point across quickly and engage potential customers who otherwise wouldn’t have taken the time to call or schedule an appointment. Studies show people stay on websites with videos 2.6x longer than sites with just text and pictures. This is important because Google likes pages where people spend “dwell time”. This refers to the amount of time they spend on the website. The longer you can keep clients engaged and on your website, the better your Google rank will be. Having a high Google rank will mean even more traffic to your website and more business or sales for you!
2. Brand awareness to get more clients
The rapid growth of e-commerce has resulted in more consumers becoming comfortable with the idea of making their purchases online. This makes it increasingly important for companies to establish an engaging and personal connection. Videos that welcome a consumer to the website or ‘promotional’ style videos give an immediate association to the product or services. It’s a great way to show your personality and the unique culture that aligns with your product or company. An added benefit: once you have your video content made and strategically placed on your website, you can also post those videos to your social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to reach an even larger audience.
3. Search engine optimization
A lot of search engine optimizers have realized that ranking a website in the long term is not just about building a large number of links. It’s also about creating high-quality content that will attract links naturally over time. Video content and SEO work together to give your brand more visibility. Video content has been responsible for successfully attracting a substantial number of inbound links and social shares for websites. So, when used correctly, videos really can provide a huge boost to your SEO campaign.
Ready to add video content to your website? Lets get more clients!
If you would like to enhance your website with fresh, high quality video, send me a message and I would be happy to discuss all of the options with you.
Scroll down for more of my commercial videos.
In need of an updated headshot? Click here for all of my headshot and portrait information!